inout is a little sound installation consisting of one headphone,
which is preferably installed in an in-between-place.  two pairs of
microphones pick up two different, oppositely oriented sound
situations, such as the outside and the inside of the installation
space or alike.  by means of the rotation tracked headphone, either of
the sound situations can be listened to by simply facing the direction
of its origin.

inout declares both sound situations “auditive readymades”
and mediates between them and the listener.  as a consequence, it
also leads the listener's attention to the act of listening itself.

In 2012, an embedded hardware version of inout has been
developed.  The digital tracking data is interpreted by a
microcontroller which in turn controls four channels of zero-latency
analogue attenuation circuitry.

migrating art academies laboratory IV, april 30 – may 20, 2010,
centre d'art contemporain les voûtes du port / captures gallery, royan, france

rundgang at academy of media arts cologne, july 15–18, 2010

sonotopia exhibition at beethovenfest 2010, beethovenhalle bonn,
september 11 – october 8, 2010

interior | exterior exhibition at esc im labor gallery, graz,
january 13–21, 2012

smc conference 2012 sound art exhibition at aalborg university,
copenhagen/denmark, july 11–15, 2012

icmc conference 2012 exhibition at jakopič gallery,
ljubljana/slovenia, september 9–30, 2012

next_generation 5.0 akusmatik festival at zkm | zentrum für kunst und medientechnologie,
karlsruhe/germany, june 26–30, 2013