libOSC++ Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
InetMasterThe internetwork masters' base class
InetOSCAbstract OSC over the IP protocol
InetTCPMasterHandle tcp connections
InetTCPSlaveAbstract an established TCP connection
InetTransportThe internetwork services'/transmits' base class
InetTransportManagerA service manager that holds its InetTransports in an STL map
InetUDPMasterHandle UDP input and output
InetUDPReplierThis class sends from a particular UDP port using an InetUDPReplier
InputStreamA Callable to forward data via its Transmit object
NullTransmitA test transmitter for debugging
OSCAssociativeNamespaceA simple implementation of an OSC namespace
OSCBundleHandlerDispatch the contents of a bundle
OSCCallableThe superclass of all objects which reside in the OSCNamespace
OSCCCallableTakes an 'old' OSC C function and calls it
OSCCountCallableA Callable that prints (debug) messages
OSCDocumentorReply to a documentation request
OSCHierarchicalNamespaceNamespace supporting pattern matching and a true address tree
OSCListerReplies to requests with a list of the addresses in the namespace
OSCNamespaceAssociate OSC addresses with OSC callbacks
OSCNamespaceItemRepresents a single component of the OSC namespace and contains the items underneath it
OSCPackerSerialize data, OSC style
OSCPrintCallableA Callable that prints (debug) messages
OSCReplyCallableA Callable that prints (debug) messages and replies
OSCServiceAccepts OSC Packets and sends them to the Namespace
OSCTypeReturnerReturns the type signature
OSCUnpackerDeserialize OSC data
ProcessorDo something, given data and an object enabling a reply
ServiceServices base class, independent of network type
ServiceManagerThis class is an interface to the set of listening Service classes
TransmitAn abstract way to send packets of data

Generated on Thu Mar 2 23:51:35 2006 for libOSC++ by  doxygen 1.4.6